Our Mission
Our Mission
- To contribute to the development of a new political leadership for Argentina. We work to achieve a united country, developed, fair and modern; a inclusive, collaborative and productive society.
- To encourage an American unity; one single America, developed, in peace, united and free.
- Addressing Argentines and Americans openly, without fear.
- Looking at our history with respect and love, seeking to pacify it. Acknowledging what went wrong and extolling what worked out, never dividing or hurting people.
- Looking at the future; our nation and our flag are more of a project towards the future than the past. We move forward, with idealism and realism. Dreaming and executing.
- With the mind and the heart as one; training the mind and developing the heart.
- Reconstructing institutions, both real and ideal. With boldness. The public powers must function but so must the moral and social ones.
- Appreciating everyone´s contribution.